Energy Efficiency
Save your steam energy
The SilverLine has the unique ability to introduce sterile water into your food. Steam is hot water vapor with some very interesting properties. First, the pressure of the steam affects its temperature. The more pressure, the hotter it gets. This heat is known as the sensible heat of steam, and it contains a lot of energy. This energy is usually used to heat foods in a kettle or a heat exchanger. When the steam gives away all of its sensible energy, it condenses back into liquid water at 100°C (212°F).
This is where traditional cooking equipment falls short in the energy department. That water is still very hot and has more energy to give to the food. This energy is known as the latent heat, and is carried away from the food through condensate return equipment. As this water cools off, the energy that was used to heat it in the first place is lost, and your boiler has to heat new water again. The efficiency of the condensate return equipment determines how much energy is lost at this stage. Standard losses are between 15% and 20%.
Save 15% - 20% of your steam energy with the SilverLine.
» Energy Efficiency
» Clean Design
» Footprint
» Cleaning
» Cost Savings
» Continuous
» Low Maintenance
» Versatility
» Cycle Time
So how does the SilverLine capture this energy and use it to cook food? This award-winning device allows 100% of the energy of the steam to transfer to your food. The sensible heat from the steam brings up the temperature of the food until it condenses back into sterile water. Then the latent heat continues to add to the temperature of the food until it has reached its setpoint. The SilverLine captures the standard 15%-20% lost energy and puts it into your food.
The SilverLine doesn’t only save on energy costs. It does not require condensate return equipment to be installed, so it saves you a significant equipment investment. It is also virtually self-cleaning, so the amount of chemicals needed to maintain it is minimized. This helps the environment, while also keeping your bottom line in check. Ultimately this saves on utility costs by operating with less labor all around.