Who We Are / Manufacturing Best Practices
Manufacturing Best Practices
Every component, every connection, every idea had to pass a simple litmus test to be included in the SilverLine. Efforts to gain cooking stability or hygiene forced us to rethink everything we know about steam cooking design, retool our production and assembly facilities and re-engineer our manufacturing process. From the piping to the valves and from the panel to the frame, everything had to work together to become what’s best for the food.
The SilverLine exceeds 3-A specifications by incorporating pulled ports instead of welded ports, which offer a very cleanable and smooth outside radii. It also exceeds 3-A sanitary specifications by incorporating a steam-side CIP bypass to actively clean the steam line, check valve and steam core. The system also features Ra 20 finish piping and internally ground and polished welds.
Many organizations provide guidelines to ensure that food equipment is hygienically made for commercial production. SilverLine defines a new benchmark and provides a direction for ultra hygienic food equipment in the future.
Through product, process and philosophy, SilverLine raises the bar on quality.
Why It's Better
The valves selected for inclusion in the SilverLine are the most hygienic on the market. They were chosen for their ability to be cleaned effectively, 3-A certifications, FDA elastomer conformance, USP certifications and acceptance in the food and beverage industries.
SilverLine cables are made of FDA approved elastomers, are chemical resistant and do not degrade in wet environments. They penetrate the completely welded stainless steel cabling harness through IP68 rated hygienic cable glands in order to maintain the most sanitary cabling system on the market.
Further ensuring the system’s hygiene, the SilverLine’s NGI levelers are EHEDG and 3-A certified, strong, elegant, and completely cleanable. They seal against the frame and the support bar to seal out water and leave no exposed threads that can harbor bacteria near the floor line.
Hydro-Thermal also approaches quality from a macro level. ISO certification is the global standard for quality, no matter what your business. Hydro-Thermal’s ISO 9001:2008 is evidence of our commitment to quality management systems throughout the organization.
Meeting the ISO standard means demonstrating the ability to consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. It is shows our aim to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of a system, including processes for continual improvement and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.